
Thursday, April 16, 2015

2015 Goals Update #3

So I just spent an hour or so totally overhauling my goals for the year (slow day at work lol). I changed the categories but kept the general goals mostly the same though there have been minor tweaks. I hope to putting more of my progress on the main goal page as well. I am going to update for March in the other format but next month I will be changing it. I didn't accomplish much in March, had some bad days/stretches with postpartum depression and mostly felt overwhelmed all month.We did get in our monthly date and made some progress on the credit card pay off. 

March Goals
Health (didn't touch these)
  • Do Biggest Loser DVD at least once
  • try at least one healthy recipe
  • Figure out best way to track water intake.
  • Start counting calories
    Spirit (didn't make any goals)

    Marriage (one out of three lol)
    • Go on a date with Matt in March
    • Pick the two marriage books I want to read 
    • Book a room for our anniversary
    • Start having financial meetings (ongoing)
    • Read to Logan 3 times a week (ongoing) (didn't do too great this month)
    • Spend 30 minutes everyday with Logan, no distractions (ongoing)
    • Side income
      • January: $90
      • February: $100.09
      • March: $91
    • Make an effort to get together with a friend once a week (ongoing)
    • Pay off Meijer Credit Card  Pay off credit card debt. (We ended up transferring the balance to another credit card I have because they had a promotion going on with super low interest.) Also used a good chunk of our tax return to pay down the balance. 
    • Make extra deposit into emergency savings.
    • Save money each month for Christmas (ongoing, will update progress each month)
      • January Saved $26.10
      • February-Saved $0
      • March-Saved $0
    • Create categories for targeted, short term savings goals in YNAB
    • Start tithing
    • Do some organizing and purging each month. (I will update what I accomplished each month here)
      • Home (didn't touch these)
        • Go through clothes in closet
        • Organize hair styling products and accessories in bathroom
      • Virtual (made some progress still not as clean as I would like)
        • Finish cleaning up email
    • Get planners organized for the year (did decide on 4 planners: general for appointments and such, financial, medical and home and got the financial one pretty well organized)
    • Establish daily, weekly and monthly routines
      • Create to do lists for each day in regards to routine
    • Write at least once a week (52 times) 5/52
      • January (3)
      • February (1)
      • March (1) (Started a post I haven't finished)
    • Read a total of 24 books (ongoing) 2/24
      • February: 1
      • March: 1
    Now onto the goals for this month even though we are half way through, I have accomplished a couple things that I will put on the list but save what I actually accomplished for the next update. These are going to line up with my new categories so check out the 2015 goals post if further clarification is needed.

    April Goals

    Personal Goals
    Read devotional once a week
    Pick marriage book to start in May
    Pick next parenting book to read

    Try the biggest loser dvd
    Try a healthy recipe
    Start tracking water intake by the end of the month
    Stop eating an hour before bed by end of month

    Go to church at least once
    Make a plan to increase tithing


    Check resume to see what needs to be updated

    Make some sort of side income
    Create a printable
    Write at least once a week (ongoing)
    Type up nightly routine and post on fridge

    Home Life Goals
    Marriage Goals
    Go on a date at least once a month (4/12) (ongoing)
    Finally book that weekend for our anniversary
    Start having financial meetings consistently (ongoing)

    Parenting Goals
    Read to Logan 3 times a week consistently (ongoing)
    Spend 30 minutes everyday with Logan, no distractions (ongoing)
    Transition Logan to crib

    Organization Goals
    Clean out clothes in closet
    Finish cleaning up email
    Choose general appointment planner and purchase
    Finish up financial planner set up
    Decide what all to include in home planner
    Set up medical binder

    Financial Goals
    Make large payment towards credit card
    Set up additional transfers to emergency fund
    Get life insurance quotes
    Set aside money in Christmas account
    Decide on what we really want to save for

    Social Life Goals
    Send a weekly text message to closest friends
    Dinner with friends
    Visit friends having new baby

    So there you have it, halfway through the month and I have made goals for the month lol. Feels like my whole life lately. Still trying to find a sort of groove for this whole working mom thing and think I am going to get in contact with a counselor/therapist for the post partum depression. Thought I was doing better but the stretches of really tough days have gone back up. Will try to get the post I started about this up this month.