
Saturday, February 7, 2015

2015 Goals Update #1

I didn't quite accomplish everything that I set out to in the month of January and I realized I didn't do the greatest job of lining up my monthly goals with my yearly goals ( especially in the organization department). This post includes my January goals underlined and any goals from 2014 that I felt could be incorporated italicized. I will put my February goals in bold. Also I took down the 101 Things to Do in 2014. This was more for my benefit, feeling scatterbrained and trying to consolidate things. I also decided to make Organization its own category as I found many things on my 2014 list and almost daily I am thinking of more things I can do to be organized. I was able to accomplish some things that weren't on my list and I will mention those as well. 

  • Exercise once a week by July
    • Buy new exercise DVD  I bought a Biggest Loser walking DVD
    • Do Biggest Loser DVD at least once (gotta start somewhere right?)
  • Try healthy recipe once a month
    • Find a healthy recipe to try I failed at this one and so I want to make up for it a bit
    • Gather 5 healthy recipes to try, try at least one
  • Drink half my body weight in water (This is more of an ongoing one and one that I didn't set a mini goal for January)
    • Figure out best way to track water intake.
  • Start counting calories
Work- Because I am wanting to concentrate on other things right now, I am not going to make specific monthly goals for this category just yet.
  • Update resume
  • Put feelers out for new job
  • Read one devotional
    • Start devotional again that I started last year Another failure, I kept meaning to and it just got pushed to the bottom of the list and that makes me feel guilty so this will be my goal in February, hence it is underlined and bold
  • Start going to church again (no progress made on this one either and no monthly goal was made for January)
    • Go to church at least one Sunday this month
  • Go on a date once a month
    • Go on a date with Matt in January Just got this in under the wire on the last day of the month :) 
    • Go on a date with Matt in February
  • Read 2 marriage books
    • Pick the two books I want to read
  • Get away for a weekend
    • Look into booking a room for Valentines Day (another fail for me, since it is too late now we have decided we will do it around our anniversary so the new goal is: Book a room for our anniversary)
  • Start having financial meetings (we planned to start this on Feb 1st but never got around to it, hopefully this weekend we will be able to find a chunk of time to do it)
  • Read to Logan 3 times a week (ongoing)
  • Read 3 parenting books
    • Read one parenting book (currently trying to finish one I started in October) (carrying this one over into February as well)
  • Spend 30 minutes everyday with Logan, no distractions (ongoing, feel like I am doing better with this for sure)
  • Transition Logan to his crib (made some progress moving things around in the nursery and starting to clean out crib as it has been being used as a storage space.) Hoping this month to get him in there finally.
  • Explore side income opportunities
    • Make some sort of side income in January Made $90, mostly selling items as I purge the house.
    • Make at least $90 in side income in February.
  • Look into taking classes (waiting to work on this one as well)
Friends As you can see, a few of my 2014 goals fit into this category.
  • Make an effort to get together with a friend once a week (ongoing) (I remember making an effort at least 2 weeks of the month and I was able to visit with a couple of friends towards the end of the month. Kids definitely make things harder.)
  • Have a girls night out or in
  • Host a game night
  • Write 10 notes to friends
  • Host Turkey Day
  • Pay off Meijer Credit Card (ongoing)
  • Build emergency savings to certain amount
    • Make extra deposit into emergency savings. (Another fail, money got tight towards the end of the month, going to make an effort again this month)
  • Start saving for a down payment on a house (Will start this after credit card is paid off)
  • Buy extra life insurance and start the process of creating a will
  • Save money each month for Christmas (ongoing, will update progress each month)
    • January Saved $26.10
  • Create more short term, targeted savings goals
    • Create categories in YNAB with what we want to save for exactly
  • Attempt to lower regular, monthly bills- I was actually able to make a start on this, waiting to see how my phone bill actually turns out before I officially count it though. And I did call our internet provider and got the number for who I need to speak with about lowering bill just never got around to calling back. So this month, I will call internet provider about lowering bill.
  • Start tithing
  • Do not accumulate new debt
  • Organize and purge an area of our home every month (REVISED) Do some organizing and purging each month. (I will update what I accomplished each month here)
    • January
      • Home: Cleaned out pantry and fridge, reorganized Logan's clothes, went through my clothes in drawers
      • Virtual: Started organizing my Pinterest boards after being inspired by this blog post, tried out a new way to organize my email (signed up for, which I highly recommend, great experience so far!)
    • February
      • Home 
        • Go through clothes in closet
        • Organize hair styling products and accessories in bathroom
      • Virtual
        • Finish cleaning up email (really needed it, I have Gmail and my labels were getting out of control)
        • Finish organizing Pinterest boards
  • Get planner organized for the year I think my planner may be a work in progress as the year goes on, I love that I was able to put my own together but starting to think having more than one may be the better way to go. Will update with any changes.
  • Come up with a system to track kitchen inventory This was a goal from last year's list and I finally found and printed some printables to help me track freezer, fridge and pantry inventory. So far so good.
  • Start meal planning This is one that was on my mind but I didn't write down, I started doing inventory and meal planning along with it. It has gone well so far, eating out far less than we were.
  • Clean out email Another from last year, as mentioned above I actually started doing this in January, now am in the process of cleaning up old emails, will mark this off when that is done.
  • Establish daily, weekly and monthly routines
    • Create to do lists for each day in regards to routine and cleaning I wrote down my to do list for Sun-Thurs nights but never got around to creating my own printable like I wanted, again I think this needs to be more targeted.
    • Create a cleaning schedule
  • Write at least once a week (52 times between blog and regular journal) Will update this throughout the year as well.
    • January (3/52, missed one week I believe)
  • Read a total of 24 books (ongoing) 0/24

So looking at this, I feel it has gotten a little out of control lol. May try to find some inspiration from other blogs as to a better way to do goals update for next month. For now though, I have my goals for February and am excited to tackle them! I may end up doing a separate post about what I have achieved in regards to reorganizing and decluttering our home because this is an area I feel I strongly need to work on and obviously have a lot of goals in that area.